Summer Village of Sunrise Lake 2

Summer Village of Sunrise Beach Lake

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Summer Village of Sunrise Sign

Election 2025

2025 Municipal Elections

Section 12 of the Local Authorities Election Act (the Act) requires Summer Villages to determine a Nomination Day, to occur in June or July of 2025. If the number of candidates nominated exceeds the number of candidates required, then there is an election 4 weeks after nomination day. The following dates have been set for the Summer Village of Sunrise Beach 2025 General Municipal Election:


Nomination Day:

Saturday, June 14, 2025 from 10 a.m. until 12 noon

at the Myrna Noyes Community Hall, 63 Lakeshore Drive, Highway 642, Sandy Beach


Advance Vote:

Thursday, July 3 from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m.

at the at the Myrna Noyes Community Hall, 63 Lakeshore Drive, Highway 642, Sandy Beach


Election Day:

Saturday, July 12, 2025 from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m.

at the Myrna Noyes Community Hall, 63 Lakeshore Drive, Highway 642, Sandy Beach


Key Notices: 

Notice of Nomination Day

Notice of Election – to be posted

Notice of Preliminary Results – to be posted

Notice of Official Results – to be posted


Key Contacts: 

Returning Officer – Emily House – 780-914-0997 (

Substitute Returning Officer –Janet Zaplotinsky – 780-691-4465 (


Nomination Information:

Nomination packages can be downloaded or can be picked up at the Municipal Office, located at 2317 Twp 545, Lac Ste Anne County. Or you can download the required forms directly from the Municipal Affairs website,


There are a number of forms included in the Nomination Package, please note that these cannot be submitted electronically:

  • Form 29 Notice of Intent– this is notice that you intend to run in the municipal election. This form can be handed in to the Returning Officer at any time. The latest it can be handed in is when your nomination is filed.
  • Form 4 Nomination Paper & Candidates Acceptance– this form must be filled out entirely and include the signature of at least 5 eligible electors.
  • Form 5 Candidate Financial Information– This must be handed in with your nomination papers.
  • Form 26 Campaign Disclosure Statement & Financial Statement– this form must be handed in, by all candidates, no later than March 1, 2026.


Before completing and submitting a Notice of Intent, ensure that you are eligible to run as a candidate in the upcoming 2025 municipal election.


Eligibility Requirements:

To be eligible to be nominated as a candidate, an individual must be:

  • At least 18 years of age on nomination day which is June 14, 2025
  • A Canadian Citizen
  • Not otherwise ineligible or disqualified under sections 22, 23, and 23.1 of the Local Authorities Elections Act.
  • To qualify for nomination as a councillor in a summer village, a person is not required to be a resident of the summer village but must be entitled to vote in the election and have been a resident of Alberta for the 12 consecutive months immediately preceding election day.


We encourage you to review the eligibility requirements in the LAEA prior to submitting a Notice of Intent. Submitting the Notice of Intent and being added to the Registry of Candidates is not a substitute for completing the nomination process.


Additional Information for Candidates Regarding Campaign Accounts

Campaign accounts are governed by section 147.3(1)(a) of the LAEA, which mandates that a candidate must open a campaign account in the name of the candidate or their election campaign at a financial institution for the purpose of the election campaign. This must occur at the time the candidate submits a written notice under section 147.22. Since all candidates are required to provide notice under section 147.22, they are also obligated to establish a campaign account. Any funds contributed by a candidate are considered contributions and must be deposited into the campaign account. These contributions must also be disclosed in accordance with section 147.4, using Form 26.


Candidates should be aware that even minor expenses, such as gas mileage, qualify as campaign expenditures and must be paid from the campaign account, even if the funds used are the candidate’s personal funds.


Nomination papers and associated forms will be accepted on Nomination Day from 10 a.m. until 12 noon. If someone other than you is dropping off your paperwork, they must be your appointed Official Agent and the forms must be signed by a Commissioner of Oaths where applicable.


Information & Resources:

Becoming a municipal elected official is a significant responsibility that shapes the future of local communities. Councillors have the power to make decisions affecting infrastructure, budgeting, economic development, and essential services, directly improving residents' quality of life. Running for office is a rewarding way to serve your community, though it can be overwhelming. To help you navigate the election process and serving as a councillor, we’ve provided helpful resources, and the Summer Village is organizing a CANDIDATE INFORMATION SESSION. Stay tuned for more details on our website.


Candidate Orientation Sessions
Do you want to learn more about the election process or what means to be a CANDIDATE or MUNICIPAL COUNCILLOR? 
The Summer Village of West Cove is participating in two candidate orientation sessions. These sessions will be the same and will cover key information about candidacy, the election process, and what to expect if you win! No registration is required and everyone is welcome. 
May 3, 2025
10 a.m. to 12 noon

May 24, 2025
10 a.m. to 12 noon