Development & Safety Codes
The Summer Village accepts payment for Development Permit Applications via cheque, e-transfer and on-line banking. For more information - please contact the Summer Village Office.
Prior to any construction you must contact the Summer Village's Development Officer to see if a Development Permit is required.
Tony Sonnleitner, Development Officer
Phone: 780-718-5479
Email: pcm1@telusplanet.net
Forms: Development Permit
Municipal Planning Services, Planning & Subdivsion
Phone: 780-486-1991
Fax: 780-483-7326
Email: mpsabca@munplan.ab.ca
Safety Codes Provider
Building/Gas/Plumbing/Electrical/Private Sewage
Superior Safety Codes
Ph.: 780-489-4777 or 1-866-999-4777
Fax: 780-489-4711 or 1-866-900-4711
E-mail: info@superiorsafetycodes.com
Website: www.superiorsafetycodes.com
Development Fees
Accessory/Addititions $75.00
Sewers, Fences, etc. $50.00
Dwellings $150.00
Demolition $40.00
Commercial $300.00
Subdivision Fees
Application Fee $400.00
Additional Lots $200.00
Endorsement Fees $50.00
Letters of Compliance Fees
Standard $95.00
Rush $190.00
GST is applicable