Summer Village of Sunrise Beach Lake

Summer Village of Sunrise Lake 2

Stay Informed with Sunrise Connect

Summer Village of Sunrise Sign

Development & Safety Codes


The Summer Village accepts payment for Development Permit Applications via cheque, e-transfer and on-line banking. For more information - please contact the Summer Village Office.

Prior to any construction you must contact the Summer Village's Development Officer to see if a Development Permit is required.

Tony Sonnleitner, Development Officer

Phone:  780-718-5479


Forms:  Development Permit


Municipal Planning Services, Planning & Subdivsion

Phone: 780-486-1991

Fax: 780-483-7326



Safety Codes Provider

Building/Gas/Plumbing/Electrical/Private Sewage

Superior Safety Codes

Ph.: 780-489-4777 or 1-866-999-4777
Fax: 780-489-4711 or 1-866-900-4711


Development Fees 

Accessory/Addititions $75.00

Sewers, Fences, etc. $50.00

Dwellings $150.00

Demolition $40.00

Commercial $300.00

Subdivision Fees

Application Fee $400.00

Additional Lots $200.00

Endorsement Fees $50.00

Letters of Compliance Fees

Standard $95.00

Rush $190.00

GST is applicable

Development Permits

20DP-44    - 6302 Shedden Drive

20DP03-44 - 6115 Poplar Place

20DP02-44 - 6502 Shedden Drive


21DP01-44 - 4308 Spruce Point

21DP02-44 - 6101 Willow Way

21DP04-44 - 6108 Willow Way


22DP01-44 - 6205 Shedden Drive

22DP02-44 - 5304 Everett Road

22DP03-44 - 6401 Shedden Drive

22DP04-44 - 4314 Leisure Lane

22DP05-44 - 4108 Sylvan Cove

22DP06-44 - 6101 Willow Way

22DP07-44 - 6306 Shedden Drive


23DP01-44 - 6103 Willow Way

23DP02-44 - 6116 Poplar Place

23DP03-44 - 6402 Shedden Drive

23DP04-44 - 6116 Poplar Place

23DP05-44 - 6103 Willow Way

23DP06-44 - 6205 Shedden Drive

23DP07-44 - 6402 Shedden Drive

23DP08-44 - 4504 Leisure Lane

23DP09-44 - 6116 Poplar Place


24DP01-44 - 44 Spruce Cove

24DP02-44 Leisure Lane

24DP03-44 5308 Everett Road

24DP04-44 6312 Shedden Drive


Notice of Decision 23SDAB01-44

Notice of Decision 22SDAB05-44